Promotional ad for children's nursery - animated virtual tour
BeBright Bunnies applies kinaesthetic learning techniques and includes creative thinking in their Early Years syllabus - to allow children to Play, Do and Learn. Over several years I have helped BeBright with affordable design and marketing support to build their brand, boost SEO, market their service and grow their childcare business.
This video was produced as a preview tour of their second nursery in south east London. A new purpose-built nursery at Dylon Works, Lower Sydenham. At the time, the building was still being constucted, so I analysed plans and built a 3D model of the inside and outside. I then animated the model, wrote a script and took potential customers on a virtual tour of the premises. The video advert was then uploaded to their Facebook Page and Early Years Youtube channel.
This virtual tour video was produced to acccompany their press release announcing the launch of new childcare in Sydenham.
The video-ad also highlights the convenient location of the nursery - between the bus stop and the train station - just a few stops from central London. The ad campaign has succesfully driven nursery bookings.
"The video is great and we love it and the music works really well. We know the importance of something like this to the marketing."
- Company Directors